
FraudEyes Interceptor

Intercepts and analyzes APK download links in real time, blocking malicious applications before they can be installed on a user’s device.

Core Strengths

Real-Time APK Link Scanning

Intercepts and analyzes APK download links before execution.

Advanced APK Analysis

Detects malicious apps using advanced machine learning models.

Global Threat Intelligence

Cross-references APKs against real-time cyber threat databases.

Instant Report Generation

Provides detailed security reports for each scanned APK.

How It Works

Automated Interceptor scans and processes APK download links before they reach users, ensuring only safe applications are accessible.


APK Link Detection

Intercepts APK links in real time when users attempt to access or download an application.


Automated APK Risk Analysis

Examines the APK’s metadata, structure, and code using AI-powered analysis.


Malware & Fraud Detection

Uses static and dynamic analysis to detect malware, phishing, and fraud indicators.


Real-Time Blocking or Approval

Automatically blocks malicious APKs and allows safe downloads.