FraudEyes Interceptor Intercepts and analyzes APK download links in real time, blocking malicious applications before they can be installed on a user’s device. Core Strengths Real-Time APK Link Scanning Intercepts and analyzes APK download links before execution. Live Risk Analysis for APKs Immediate Threat Detection & Blocking Zero Delay for Safe Apps Advanced APK Analysis Detects malicious apps using advanced machine learning models. Automated Decryption & Unpacking Behavioral Analysis for Hidden Threats Code & Metadata Integrity Checks Global Threat Intelligence Cross-references APKs against real-time cyber threat databases. Known Malicious APK Identification Fraudulent Developer & IP Blacklisting Crowdsourced Intelligence from Global Partners Instant Report Generation Provides detailed security reports for each scanned APK. Risk Score & Security Flags Detailed Threat Analysis Logs Regulatory Compliance Support How It Works Automated Interceptor scans and processes APK download links before they reach users, ensuring only safe applications are accessible. 1 APK Link Detection Intercepts APK links in real time when users attempt to access or download an application. 2 Automated APK Risk Analysis Examines the APK’s metadata, structure, and code using AI-powered analysis. 3 Malware & Fraud Detection Uses static and dynamic analysis to detect malware, phishing, and fraud indicators. 4 Real-Time Blocking or Approval Automatically blocks malicious APKs and allows safe downloads.